Bali Legend History : empu baradah dan dayu datu / Rangda Nateng Girah (calonarang Story).
I’m from Bali, Born and grow up in
Provenance Of Mpu Baradah And Dayu Datu / Rangda Nateng Girah ( From My Friend).
narrated in old world, There are 2 Brother and sister Pig who often eat rest of offerings in
miraculous widow in girah village
Dayu datu/ Rangda nateng dirah/ Calonarang is king of leak (people who can change become fire, animal etc, and make good and bad things with magic power) who’s life in dirah village in
the level of Leak magic can show like this:
- Under Level
In This Level, people can become a animal like monkey, dog, chicken, pig, goat, etc.
- Midlle level
In this level, people can become an eagle, can fly high with noxious claw. Its eye can make a fire, also can become jaka tunggul or enau tree without leaf which its bar can release reek and fire
- Top Level
in this level, people can become bade (twenty one high rise corpse tower), and all of tower body from the fire which can make their prey become ash.
Calonarang become angry
calonarang have one pretty son who’s name Diah Ratna Mengali (diah ratna mengali not like her mother who have leak magic, she is have a heart of gold), but no young man in kediri empire want to be their husband and say the son of leak with black magic surely have black magic like her mother.
After listen this news from she student, calonarang become an angry and she swearing to make epidemic in
in night kajeng kliwon day calonarang with her student use their leak magic. with level of leak magic in dirah village, their become a monkey, frog, bade, eagle, etc. With their new body, they all around a dirah village while make a scary sound and make all of people in dirah to be scared. in the morning after night event of leak, one by one people in
Calonarang secret book pengleakan magic
with the failed of patih Madri job, king airlangga call their Bagawanta (king priest) Empu Baradah to kill calonarang. Because Empu baradah and calonarang is brother and sister, empu baradah know how to kill calonarang. The big secret is a pengleakan magic book which stay in calonarang house. To get this book empu baradah order their son Empu Bahula to married with Ratna mengali and take the book. Short story, after empu bahula can get the book, calonarang who know this event become angry and challenging empu baradah to fight in Setra Gandamayu / Gandamayu Grave.The battle between black magic and white magic in Gandamayu Grave
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